showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
Guerilla War  SNK1988 bossbattles cheguevara consoleclassix fidelcastro firearms flamethrowers grenades helicopters lives mp-cooperative powerups runandgun score socialistprotagonist tanks unrestrictedviolence 1 player or 2 players simultaneous cooperative play.

A Contra style game staring Fidel Castro and Che Guevara fight side-by-side to topple the Batista dictatorship in Cuba, 1950. No, I'm not kidding. Of course only the Japanese version is so revolutionary. The versions published elsewhere changed the names to protect the revolutionaries. True story by-the-way. In the real invasion a mere 82 men crammed into one passenger boat invaded Cuba, facing an army and air force. 17 survived the initial battle including Castro's brother. Several of their men were discovered to be spys or in desperation had attempted to betray their fellows. These were exicuted. In this game, the invasion force is reduced to Castro and Che. "Che" is a Cuban word that means "Hey You". Much like the real life situation, Che is the main character doing the dirty work while Castro is the secondary character. In Japan, this game is called "Guevara War".